Dear circus Friends,representing “Interkunst e.V” in Berlin and The “Grodzka Gate ‐ NN Theatre” Centre in Lublin (Poland) I would like to inform you about two very interesting opportunities for young performing artists. Both institutions are searching for actors, circus artists, dancers and musicians for their upcoming turing productions. Those international and multidisciplinary projects use art as a powerful educational tool in form of high quality stage performance and creative workshops.
Mentioned projects are:
“INSTANT ACTS against violence and racism” - tour in Germany and north Italy (04.09 - 29.10.2016)
"Following I. B. Singer's Traces” - tour in east Poland (23.08 - 05.09.2016)
More information concerning the projects, conditions, and both companies you will find under the links above or in the attached calls (PDF). Knowing your activities and experience we would like to ask if you could put us in touch with suitable artists or distribute our call. Please don't hesitate to ask about further details.
Best regards,
Arkadiusz Zietek
Please notice different deadlines of applications ( 15.05 and 1.06).